Sport Facilities XXI Century


Hey Asia! It's great that we can talk to you! We know that Krakow is your base now, but you left your heart in Leszno. We're curious about your skateboarding adventure, and how you've grown from all this to become an instructor who wants to inspire girls to jump on a board.


Author: Agnieszka Miłek

Hey Asia! It's great that we can talk to you! We know that Krakow is your base now, but you left your heart in Leszno. We're curious about your skateboarding adventure, and how you've grown out of it all into an instructor who wants to inspire girls to jump on a board. Plus, we know that like us you love cats and enjoy snapping photos. But, let's start from the beginning:

Tell us how it all started - where did you get your skateboard and your first steps on the ramp?

Hey, my history with skateboarding started completely by accident. Once upon a time I came across a group of people riding boards and BMX. At first I borrowed a skateboard from friends, gradually learning more tricks. Riding became more and more fun with time, so I finally decided to buy my own board.

How did you get from Leszno to Krakow and what made you decide not only to ride yourself, but also to teach others?

I came to Krakow with the idea of doing something more, to develop myself in general. I wanted to ride, work and record. Currently, my plans have changed a bit, I've added studies, which are currently eating up a lot of my time. Teaching others is just an addition at the moment, which helps me earn money and pass on some of my knowledge to beginner riders.

Asia at the skatepark in my hometown Leszno:

Skateboarding is not only a sport, but also a lifestyle. What does your typical day look like, combining your studies and life in the hobby?

Hmm, well it's not easy. I usually study between 8:00-21:00, on weekends I work, but still I am constantly looking for free moments in which I can go out to skateboard.

RedBull Mind The Gap competition / 2021

What are your observations about the presence of girls in skatepark culture over the years? How do you assess the Krakow women's skateboard scene?

I'm very happy that so many girls are showing up at skateparks, the level on the board has risen strongly in the last few years. There are not many girls riding in Krakow, but there are a few with potential ;)

You had the opportunity to work in the Krakow Streetpark space - what do you think about its overall design? Is there anything you would change in it, looking from the experience of an instructor and user at the same time?

I think Streetpark is a good place to learn to ride and take your first steps. The obstacles are well suited to different skill levels, both in the Street and Park sections. Rather, I think such a space could not have been better set up.

Asia at Streetpark

Do you think indoor indoor skateparks are the future? Do you prefer to ride on open concrete skateparks, or do you prefer indoor?

I think indoor skateparks are a cool alternative when it's winter or raining and there are no good weather conditions for riding. It's a convenient option when you have music coming from the speakers and you don't have to have the fear in the back of your mind of bumping into a pebble. However, my heart is behind the open space <3

You have traveled to many venues in the country. Tell us, your favorite Techramps outdoor skatepark is...?

Currently, my favorite skatepark is the one built by you at the Widok housing estate in Bronowice .

Ooo, we're glad to hear that! And can you tell us what you like most about this project and makes it different from the others in Krakow?

I like it because there's a lot of smooth flat, a granite curb and a bowl that doesn't overwhelm with height.

Ok! And then how would you rate our local skatepark infrastructure?

There are a lot of interesting places in Krakow, but relatively far from the center. Rather nothing to complain about, however, I think that any skatepark with lighting would be useful ?

The skatepark you would like to visit during this year's holiday trip is...?

I rather plan to go to cities to use the local street infrastructure, and the skatepark is more of an add-on. But if I were to go to one specifically, I would check out this new park in Myślenice. It promises to be a good one!

What are your dreams related to your passion and work - skateboarding?

I think, as with any skateboarder, I would like to record a street part and visit some places in the world in terms of skateboarding.

What would you say to girls who want to start skateboarding, but are hesitant? Yes from your own experience ?

To not give up, to try, watch and follow skate content in different places. The beginnings on the board are demanding and you need to make some sacrifices. However, later it will pay off.

Thanks a lot for the interview! It was a pleasure ?


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